VMware 5V0-22.21 덤프, 5V0-22.21 질문 및 답변, 5V0-22.21 시험 덤프 데모, 5V0-22.21 시험 통과 | killtest 2022

killtest 5V0-22.21 덤프는 여러 선생님이 공동으로 편찬하여 발표한 VMware vSAN Specialist에 관한 시험준비 자료이다. VMware 5 V0-22.21 질문 및 답변 시험의 98% 이상의 지식을 가지고 있다. VMware 시험을 무사히 통과해서 자격증을 취득할 수 있도록 도와주기 위해서 입니다.

killtest 5V0-22.21 덤프의 모든 시험문제와 답안은 최신 VMware 5V0-22.21 시험에서 나온 것이다. 각 판본은 VMware와 동시에 갱신할 수 있고 시종 시험에 합격할 수 있도록 한다.

5V0-22.21 VMware vSAN Specialist 시험은 VMware Specialist – vSAN 2021 인증과 관련되어 있습니다. killtest는 VMware vSAN Specialist 5V0-22.21 시험합격을 통해 VMware vSAN Specialist 5V0-22.21 시험문제를 시험에 응시할 수 있도록 지원합니다. Maxwellvhs의 VMware vSAN Specialist 5V0-22.21 인기 시험 덤프로 시험에 도전해 보세요. 5V0-22.21 시험, Maxwellvhs의 VMware vSAN Specialist 5V0-22.21 인기 덤프 자료 덤프로 시험에 도전해 보십시오.

다음은 VMware 5V0-22.21 시험 문제의 데모 일부입니다.

After a server power failure, the administrator noticed the scheduled resyncing in the cluster monitor displays objects to be resynchronized under the pending category.What are these objects in this category?A.These objects belong to virtual machines, which are powered off.B.Object resynchronization must be started manually.C.There are too may objects to be synchronized.D.The delay timer has not expired . Answer : B

A remote location was configured with Cloud Native Storage. When the administrator put the host in maintenance mode to perform monthly patching, the File Server Health check was triggered.Which action, if any, should the administrator take to resolve the issue?A.Click the Repair Objects Immediately button in the VMware Skyline Health Checks.B.Remove the host from maintenance mode, and put it back with Full Data Migration . C . It will resolve after 60 seconds , so no action is necessary . D . Modify the repair delay timer to 75 . Answer : A

A vSAN administrator is deploying multiple 2-node clusters to remote branch offices. The nodes already have an old vSphere 7.0 image, but the administrator would like to update the image and ensure consistency across all the nodes.The administrator configured vLCM on the first vSAN cluster and exported the image.Which format should the administrator choose?A.ISO ImageB.TXT FileC.ZIP FileD.JSONFileAnswer : A

What is the purpose of host rebuild reserve in vSAN ? A . Reserves space in case of single host failureB . Allocated capacity for vCLSC . Reconfigures data componentsD . Stores vSphere HA heartbeatsAnswer : A

Which solution can automate the deployment of a vSAN cluster as part of a full Software – Defined Datacenter ? A . VMware Cloud FoundationB . vSphere ReplicationC . vRealize Suite Lifecycle ManagerD . VMware Cloud DirectorAnswer : A

A vSAN administrator of a network isolated vSAN environment wants to upgrade the environment from the vSAN 7.0 to the vSAN 7.0 U1 using vLCM.Which option, if any, should be used as a depot in this case?A.Configure the vSphere Lifecycle Manager to download the updates from an Online Depot.B.It is not possible to use the vSphere Lifecycle Manager on a network isolated environment.C.Configure the vSphere Lifecycle Manager to download updates from a local UMDS – shared repository . D . Configure the vSphere Lifecycle Manager to download the updates from the VMware Depot using HTTPS . Answer : D

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