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There seem to be a lot of computer cram schools that are funded by the government, but if you look at the good points, there are not as many of them as I thought.It is said that only excellent training institutions verified by the Ministry of Employment and Labor can be operated as state-funded computer academies, but there are many places that can teach you roughly when you actually listen to the classes.To prevent such a situation, you can view reviews of the students who actually took classes on the website called the Vocational Training Portal!If you want to add my own tips, you’d better check the completed student portfolio if you can.

Of course, the four poles were completed after receiving feedback from the instructor, but the secret is that they can be compared to the curriculum on the website because they can check what kind of technology they applied to make the four poles.When I select a state-funded computer academy, I will look for it in the above way. First of all, the most important thing is the issuance of study cards from the national government.It’s easy to sign up online, so even if you don’t intend to learn anything right away, you’d better sign up first. The scope of application is also wide, so if I apply after checking whether I meet the qualification requirements in detail, most Korean citizens can apply.
I couldn’t find a job, so I started going to a state-funded computer academy. In particular, there are quite a few educational institutions that have signed MOUs with companies that even provide job support. Now that the academy meets all the criteria mentioned above, it is also a place where you can register right away without comparing it to other places.After studying for six months, I first understood why so many job seekers visit the National Computer Academy.I was satisfied with the curriculum, instructor’s teaching skills, popol, and sufficient two-way feedback, and eventually I was able to succeed in getting a job at a company that worked together to comfort my long job hunting period.

Do you know how many years and how much support you can get with tomorrow’s study card? I was confused, so I looked it up this time. You can take up to three courses in total, and the amount is 3 million to 5 million won. And even if you’re unemployed, you don’t have to be reissued if you’re in office, and you can take classes with one card one after another! Even if you’re not going to learn right away, just apply! You can go to the website of the vocational training portal, register for a job on the connected worknet site, and apply for a card.In my case, about 30 minutes? It seems like it got caught, but it can be finished a little earlier.
I’m sure some of you still prefer offline, but it’s much better to apply online easily than to add effort to the back and forth travel time.It is easy to receive the item directly at the bank and receive it quickly, and it is easy to receive it conveniently knowing that it takes about a week by mail when it is troublesome.In my case, I received the bank in a hurry because I didn’t have much time left for the class I wanted to learn. The customer who came earlier was a person like me who came to pick up the card.Although she was a housewife, there is no age limit, so I recommend that anyone who wants to receive IT education go to a state-funded computer academy.

Let’s also look into the types of classes you can take. Many people misunderstand that they can only take the certificate course. All classes handled by a designated training institution are supported and can be taken at a low cost.You can receive up to a minimum of 45 to 85% of the total amount. Depending on the situation, some classes are fully supported and free of charge, so you should consult carefully and compare them!
In the case of the Academy of Computers, we offer a variety of professional IT classes. There are not only qualification courses necessary for employment, but also specialized courses for acquiring job skills, not certificates. It is a new job that has emerged in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution and is attracting attention. With a curriculum where you can learn professional tasks such as big data and developers in detail from basics to depth, even completely non-experts can acquire professional skills!

In addition to the Gangnam branch I go to, there are many branches in Jongno, Sinchon, Nowon, Sangbong, Ansan, Seongnam, and so on, so I think you can learn from them.Not only are all located in the station area, but there are professional instructors, so you can learn know-how about skills that you often use in the field.
From now on, you will be able to find a portfolio of classes related to web design, publishing editing, video editing, IT, etc. through the official website. It was good that the curriculum of each class was open to the prospective students to check the materials, as well as the actual student’s popol, can be able to check the curriculum on the web.Especially those who are negative like me like to check the information on the website beforehand! Now that I have opened all the information without concealing it, I think I could trust it even more.I took a course called Big Data Infrastructure AI Platform Development for six months, and I don’t think there was a single day that wasn’t beneficial.

the floating in accordance with the trend at the digital IT going to learn essential requirements for leading digital services.パイソンとクローリング、クラスタリング分析、意思決定ツリー分析など人工知能融合開発者になるための過程を学び、いつの間にか専門家に一歩近づいたような感じが良かったです!幸運にも就職連携がうまくいってスタートアップとして就職まで成功しました。 うまく耐えられるか分かりませんが仕事を学ぶための環境が整っているので一度熱心に成長してみようと思います!! 私のように基礎から学びたい方は、ぜひ詳しく調べて相談してみて、私のように満足してください!From now on, the Academy of Computer Science, the Academy of Web Design, the Academy of Editorial Design, the Academy of Architecture Cad, the Academy of Computer Accounting, the Academy of Computer Accounting, the Academy of National Expense Support, and the Unemployed Office www.ezenac.co.kr50m NAVER Corp. More / OpenStreetMap Map Data x NAVER Corp. / OpenStreetMap Map Controller Legend Real Estate Street Town, Myeon, Simultaneous, County, District, Country13th floor of Seocho W Tower, 54, Seocho-daero 77-gil, Seocho-gu, Gangnam-gu, Izen Academy of Computers13th floor of Seocho W Tower, 54, Seocho-daero 77-gil, Seocho-gu, Gangnam-gu, Izen Academy of Computers